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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Title: The Art of Moving On: Why it's Okay to Ask Someone Else Out As we grow up

Title: The Art of Moving On: Why it's Okay to Ask Someone Else Out As we grow up, we learn that rejection is just a part of life. We get turned down for jobs, apartments, loans, and even dates. Though we might have experienced rejection before, it can still be tough to fathom why someone would keep asking the same person out when they're not receiving a clear response. It's natural to feel attracted to someone and want to ask them out on a date. But, it's essential to understand that not everyone will reciprocate that attraction. When someone declines a date, it's important to respect their decision and move on. There's no point in waiting for someone who isn't interested in you, especially when there are plenty of other eligible singles out there. So, why do we wait on an imaginary person? Is it because we believe they're "the one" or because we're just too scared of being rejected again? Many of us might have grown up with the notion of one true love or soulmates, but in reality, there's no such thing as a perfect match. We're all unique individuals with different preferences, interests, and personalities. It's about finding someone who complements your lifestyle, not a carbon copy of yourself. Moreover, it's crucial to maintain self-respect and not put too much emphasis on one person's response. Asking someone out takes courage, and it's okay to be turned down. The key is to keep trying and put yourself out there. If you have plans for next Saturday and are looking for someone to join you, don't hesitate to ask a few people. Who knows? You might end up having a fantastic time with someone unexpected. In conclusion, remember that rejection is not the end of the world. It's normal to feel disheartened but don't let it hold you back. Keep an open mind and be willing to explore new options. Life is full of surprises, and you never know who you might meet along the way.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Minister Steph1official Coming With The Ministry Of "United Niggalations 6:29"

Minister Steph1official. A registered ordained minister since July 31st, 2021.

 About Me

My Ministry:G  “United Niggalations-6:29->

"Thou shall practice Muthafuckin freedom of speech & freedom of expression... In the UNITY of everyone..& Breaketh Thy Foots In The Asses Of Our Enemies Who Want To Drive Hate Between Us All.... Use Thy Lead that was Giveth On This Earth To Deliver Thy Enemy’s On T-Shirts”

Simple Enough I Ain't With The Hate

These hands rated E for everyone… anointed with the Holy-Fuck-Around-N-Find-Out-Water cuz I ain't Jesus or Dr. King & I don't turn the other cheek on thy Enemies .- “United Niggalations 6:29”

My Beliefs ?

Is This The UNITED States Of America??? Better Yet United Planet Earth Of United Niggalations 6:29?? 

AMERICA,  let's go ahead and get this out of the way and get on the same page...

I'm letting you all know..freedom, freedom of speech & freedom of expression is not a 1-way thing and solely for 1 group.

AMERICA !!! i'm here to crack jokes and tell ya asses upfront i don't give 2 flying fucks about your feelings about any jokes coming out from me. Learn how to crack a beer open & grill food outside with ya Niggas! Yeah YOU!!

Now sit down shut the fuck up, get some laughs in and i don't wanna hear no gawd damn crying about shit said.

Better Start Acting United In This Bitch Cuz We All Gentleman & Lady Niggas Today

Black Niggas

African Niggas

Multi-Racial Niggas

White /European Niggas

Asian Niggas

Southeast Asian Niggas

Native Niggas

Island Niggas

Latino Niggas

Hispanic Niggas

Middle Eastern Niggas

Hawaiin Niggas

Mormon Niggas

Christian Niggas

Buddhist Niggas

Agnostic Niggas

Atheist Niggas

Muslim Niggas

Jehovah Witness Niggas

Taoist Niggas

LGBTQ Niggas

Skinny Niggas

Anorexic Niggas

Obtuse Niggas

Fat Niggas

Short Niggas

Wide Niggas

One-Armed Niggas

No Arms Niggas

One Legged Niggas

No Legged Niggas

One-Eyed Niggas

Blind Niggas

No Eyes Niggas

Deaf Niggas

Mute Niggas

Drug Addicted Niggas

Drunk Niggas

Mental Health Niggas

Vegan Niggas

Vegetarian Niggas

Meat Lover Niggas

Diabetic Niggas

Cancer Niggas

Leukemia Niggas

Patriotic Niggas

Gun-Loving Niggas

No Gun-Loving Niggas

Peaceful Niggas

Celibate Niggas

Freaky Sex Having Niggas

Polyamorous Niggas

Monogomaous Niggas

Transparent Niggas

Rude Niggas (Just Don't Kill The BBQ Vibes Please)

Stripper Niggas

Onlyfans Niggas

Freedom of Speech Niggas

Scientist Niggas

Physicist Niggas

Biologist Niggas

Corporate Niggas

Blue Collar Workin Niggas

And Whatever Else Cool Laid Back Category Niggas are left

WHO I DONT ROCK WITH --> Pedophiles, Racists, Prejudiced, Misogynistic, Ego Driven, & Them Weird Ass Elitist That Try To Hate Everyone & Keep Us From Having BBQs, & Whoever Else Immediately Kill The Vibe Our Party / BBQ vibe of us  United Niggalations-6:29 


The Evolution of the Word 'Nigga' – From 'Negus' to Hatred from Whites to Back to its Term of Empowerment


The Evolution of the Word 'Nigga' – From 'Negus' to Hatred from Whites to Back to its Term of Empowerment

The word 'nigga,' among its varied connotations, has caused a great deal of controversy over the years. Stemming from its original Ethiopian meaning of 'negus' and evolving into its current status as a term of endearment within the African American community, this paper seeks to explore the etymology, historical context, and cultural significance of the word, while examining the role of white people in transforming its meaning into something negative. Through a review of primary and secondary sources, this paper will shed light on the complexities surrounding the word 'nigga' and its appropriation in contemporary discourse.

The word 'nigga' has a storied history in the English language, deriving from the Amharic word 'negus,' which means 'king' or 'ruler' in Ethiopia. Its transformation in meaning, usage, and racial context has prompted scholars to examine the origins of the term and the role it plays in modern society. This paper will analyze how the word 'nigga', with its diverse connotations, both empowers and oppresses and seeks to explore its origins in Ethiopian culture, as well as its appropriation by white people as a derogatory term.

Ethiopian Roots – The Word 'Negus'

According to historical records, the Amharic word 'negus' traces back to ancient Ethiopia, where it was used as a title to signify the ruling emperor (Gates Jr., 2011). The term was highly revered and established a connection between the monarch and the divine. With its indigenous roots to Africa, it held significance among African societies and their views on governance and leadership (Gates Jr., 2011).

Historical Context – Slavery and the Emergence of a Racial Slur

The word's transformation from 'negus' to 'nigga' is attributed to the transatlantic slave trade, during which many Africans were forcibly taken from their homelands by white slave traders (Love, 2016). During this period, white people began using the corrupted version of the word 'negus', pronouncing it as 'nigger', to demean and dehumanize enslaved Africans (Love, 2016). Consequently, the term evolved into a racial slur, perpetuating a negative connotation associated with African heritage and skin color.

Repurposing the Word – From Oppression to Empowerment

In the 20th century, the African American community began to reclaim and redefine the word 'nigga' as a means of self-expression, empowerment, and solidarity. The new usage is largely attributed to the influence of hip-hop culture, which provided a platform for African Americans to address racial inequality, social injustice, and cultural identity (Rose, 1994). The term has since become an intricate part of African American vernacular, serving as a symbol of shared experiences and resilience in the face of oppression.

White Appropriation – Perpetuating Negativity

While the African American community has taken significant steps to repurpose the word 'nigga' into a term of empowerment, controversy remains regarding its usage by white people. Critics argue that white people utilizing the term perpetuates its historical ties to racism and marginalization (Hartigan Jr., 2014). Despite the efforts of the African American community to destigmatize the word, its appropriation by white people demonstrates a continued disregard for the cultural significance and painful history surrounding the term (Hartigan Jr., 2014).

From its ancient Ethiopian origins as 'negus' to its current usage as a term of empowerment, the word 'nigga' has experienced a transformative journey, often marked by controversy and appropriation. Although the African American community has redefined its meaning as a form of solidarity and identity, the continued usage by white people perpetuates its historical negative connotation. To truly appreciate the complexities surrounding the word 'nigga,' one must consider its cultural significance and the role that appropriation plays in shaping its enduring legacy.


Gates Jr., H. L. (2011). The Dictionary of Global Culture: From Kente Cloth to Kwanzaa. Oxford University Press.

Hartigan Jr., J. (2014). Racial Situations: Class Predicaments of Whiteness in Detroit. Princeton University Press.

Love, E. (2016). Fade to Black and White: Interracial Images in Popular Culture. Rowman & Littlefield.

Rose, T. (1994). Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America. Wesleyan University Press.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Just A Note - Making Better Choices

Making Better Choices for a Brighter Future Have you ever found yourself making excuses for not learning something new? Maybe you blame it on your upbringing or lack of resources. But have you ever stopped to think about the things you spend money on every week that you don't even need? It's time to take accountability for your actions and stop making excuses. We all have things we enjoy spending money on, whether it's the latest technology or a nice dinner out with friends. However, it's important to consider the impact these choices have on our long-term goals. Spending money on things that don't improve our lives or provide us with knowledge is a waste of valuable resources. It's easy to blame our upbringing or lack of education for not knowing about financial management or healthy living. But the truth is, we often make poor choices without realizing it. We may not have been taught about finances and health, but we probably weren't taught about blowing money on weed or useless trends either. At the end of the day, it's up to us to take control of our lives and prioritize our education. We can choose to spend our money on things that will improve our knowledge and well-being. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a weekend out of town getting hammered, why not go to the library for free and learn something new? Let's start making better choices for ourselves and our future. We have the power to take control of our lives and make choices that will positively impact our future. It's time to stop making excuses and start taking action towards our goals. The future is in our hands, and it's up to us to create the life we want.

Monday, April 24, 2023

The Evolution Of Bam Margera's Skateboarding Career

The Evolution of Bam Margera's Skateboarding Career Bam Margera is a name synonymous with skateboarding and stunts. From his early days as a professional skater to his involvement in the hit TV show "Jackass", Margera has become a household name among skateboarders and fans of the skateboarding subculture. In this blog, we’ll dive into Margera's career on a skateboard, exploring his rise to fame, his most memorable stunts and tricks, and how his personal life has impacted his career. Margera's career in skateboarding began in the late 1990s when he was sponsored by Toy Machine, a well-known skateboard company. He quickly rose to fame with his unique style and fearless approach to skating. His raw talent on a skateboard would eventually lead him into the world of television. Margera’s involvement in MTV's hit show "Jackass" would catapult him into a new level of fame, allowing him to showcase his skating skills on a global stage. He became known for his daredevil stunts and willingness to push the limits of what was possible on a skateboard. His various skateboarding videos, such as "Haggard: The Movie" and the “CKY” series, would further solidify his status as an icon in the skateboarding world. However, with fame came personal struggles. Margera has openly shared his struggles with addiction and mental health, which have impacted his career over the years. His battles with these issues have led to his absence from the skateboarding community at times, but his resilience has always brought him back. Despite the ups and downs, Margera's career in skateboarding has been nothing short of remarkable. His impact on the skateboarding subculture has been immense, inspiring countless skaters to push the limits and pursue their dreams. As Margera continues to evolve both on and off the skateboard, it's clear that his legacy will go down in skateboarding history. In conclusion, Bam Margera's career in skateboarding has been nothing short of amazing. From his early days as a pro skater to his involvement in "Jackass" and beyond, Margera has left an indelible mark on the skateboarding world. His personal struggles have only made him more relatable to his fans, and his passion for skateboarding continues to inspire new generations of skaters. #steph1official

Understanding the differences between men raised in love and men raised on survival and Jim Crow

 Understanding the differences between men raised in love and men raised on survival and Jim Crow is crucial in understanding the ways in which they approach relationships with women. Growing up in vastly different environments can have profound effects on men's attitudes towards women and their ideas of what it means to love and be loved.

Men raised in love typically grew up in stable, loving households, where they were shown affection and care from their parents or other family members. They were often taught the value of empathy, communication, and compromise within their relationships. These men generally have a healthy understanding of love and the importance of mutual respect and trust in any relationship, which can translate into respectful and fulfilling relationships with women.

On the other hand, men raised on survival and Jim Crow grew up in environments that were often fraught with violence, abuse, and discrimination. These men had to fight for their own survival and often relied on aggression and violence to protect themselves and their families. They were often taught to be "strong" and "tough" and were discouraged from showing vulnerability or affection. As a result, these men often struggle with understanding the importance of open communication or emotional vulnerability, which can lead to strained or even destructive relationships with women.

It is important to note that men raised on survival and Jim Crow may not necessarily have negative or unhealthy attitudes towards women. However, their lack of exposure to healthy communication styles and emotional expression can make it difficult for them to build and maintain healthy relationships.


- Collins, P. H. (2009). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Routledge.

- Hooks, B. (2001). All about love: New visions. Harper Collins.

- Johnson, L. (2020). ‘My Brothers Keeper’: Examining the Impact of Father Absence and Recruitment into Violence for Young Black Men. Michigan Journal of Race and Law, 25(1), 1-33. 

- Wilson, W. J. (1996). When work disappears: The world of the new urban poor. Knopf.


Thursday, April 20, 2023

Medical Malpractice Largely Affecting Black People in the United States

Medical malpractice is a serious issue that affects people of all races and backgrounds. However, studies have shown that black people are disproportionately affected by medical malpractice in the United States. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this alarming trend and discuss the impact it has on black communities.

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider fails to provide adequate care, resulting in harm to the patient. This can include errors in diagnosis, treatment, or medication administration. Medical malpractice can have serious consequences, including physical injury, emotional distress, and financial loss.

Studies have shown that black patients are more likely to experience medical malpractice than patients of other races. According to a study by the Journal of General Internal Medicine, black patients were twice as likely as white patients to experience medical errors. Another study found that black patients were more likely to experience adverse events such as infections, medication errors, and surgical complications.

The reasons behind this trend are complex and multifaceted. One major factor is the systemic racism that exists within the healthcare system. Black patients are more likely to receive lower quality care due to biases held by healthcare providers. This can include assumptions about the patient's intelligence, lifestyle, and ability to pay for care.

Another factor is the lack of diversity within the healthcare workforce. Black people are underrepresented in the healthcare industry, which can lead to a lack of understanding and cultural sensitivity when treating black patients.

The impact of medical malpractice on black communities is significant. Medical malpractice can have devastating consequences for patients and their families, including physical injury, emotional trauma, and financial loss. In addition, the distrust that results from medical malpractice can lead to a lack of trust in the healthcare system as a whole, which can have negative consequences for the health of black communities.

Addressing medical malpractice will require a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of the problem. This can include:

- Increasing diversity within the healthcare industry to ensure that black patients receive culturally competent care.

- Providing education and training to healthcare providers to address biases and improve the quality of care.

- Creating accountability measures to ensure that healthcare providers are held responsible for medical errors.

- Encouraging patients to be active participants in their healthcare by asking questions, seeking second opinions, and advocating for themselves.

Medical malpractice is a serious issue that disproportionately affects black patients in the United States. Addressing this problem will require a multi-pronged approach that addresses the systemic racism and lack of diversity within the healthcare system. By working together, we can ensure that all patients receive high-quality, culturally competent care.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Some Dating Tips

 Fellas let me give you some Dating Tips. 

Location: Atlanta, GA. 

These are things that i do….which SHOW you care to plan and are thoughtful. 

Life isn’t always about making money and NOT doing anything! You have a life to live! 

1. A hot air balloon ride at sunrise followed by a champagne breakfast. 

2. A private cooking class with a professional chef, followed by a candlelit dinner. 

3. A nighttime horse-drawn carriage ride through the historic districts of Atlanta. 

4. A couples' massage and spa day at a luxurious day spa. 

5. A visit to the Atlanta Botanical Garden for a romantic stroll through the beautiful gardens. 

6. A private wine tasting and tour at a local winery, followed by a picnic in the vineyard. 

7. A rooftop dinner and drinks at one of Atlanta's trendy rooftop bars. 

8. A private tour of the High Museum of Art with an art historian, followed by a dinner at a nearby fine dining restaurant. 

9. A hike through Stone Mountain Park, followed by a picnic at the summit for breathtaking views of the city. 

10. A private dance lesson with a professional dancer, followed by a night of dancing at a local jazz club.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Men's Problematic Egos

 Throughout history, men's egos have played a significant role in causing mass genocides, resulting in the deaths of millions of people. The term "ego" generally refers to a person's sense of self-importance, self-worth, and self-identity. When individuals or groups with inflated egos gain power, they may become obsessed with maintaining that power and control over others, often at any cost. This obsession can lead to the dehumanization and demonization of groups seen as threats to their power, ultimately resulting in acts of violence and genocide.

One of the most well-known examples of this phenomenon is the Holocaust, which resulted in the deaths of approximately six million Jews at the hands of Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler's ego-driven belief in a superior Aryan race and his desire for power and control fueled the systematic persecution and extermination of Jews, as well as other groups deemed inferior, including homosexuals, people with disabilities, and Roma.

The Armenian Genocide, which occurred during World War I, is another example of how men's egos have contributed to mass killings. Ottoman Empire officials, motivated by their sense of nationalistic pride, saw the Armenian population as a threat to their power and sought to eliminate them. Over one million Armenians were killed through a combination of forced marches, mass shootings, and other forms of violence.

The Rwandan Genocide, which took place in 1994, is yet another example of how men's egos can lead to mass killings. Hutu extremists in Rwanda, motivated by their fear of losing power to the Tutsi minority, orchestrated the genocide, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated 800,000 people. The propaganda they disseminated dehumanized Tutsi and portrayed them as a threat to national security, ultimately leading to the widespread violence.

These are just a few examples of how men's egos have led to mass genocides throughout history. The total number of deaths resulting from these and other genocides is difficult to estimate, but it is undoubtedly in the millions.

It is important to recognize the role that men's egos have played in causing these atrocities and to take steps to prevent future genocides. This may include promoting empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity, challenging and dismantling systems of oppression and inequality, and empowering marginalized groups to have a greater say in decision-making processes. Additionally, fostering a culture of accountability and justice for those who commit acts of violence or discrimination can help to deter future violence. It is only through a concerted effort from individuals, communities, and governments that we can make progress towards a more just and peaceful world.


New on TikTok: Beating Yellow Sage King, 3rd Try. Sheesh he's not fun | #steph1official on #Twitch

@steph1official Beating Yellow Sage King, 3rd Try. Sheesh he's not fun | #steph1official on #Twitch ♬ original sound - steph1officia...