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Monday, April 24, 2023

Understanding the differences between men raised in love and men raised on survival and Jim Crow

 Understanding the differences between men raised in love and men raised on survival and Jim Crow is crucial in understanding the ways in which they approach relationships with women. Growing up in vastly different environments can have profound effects on men's attitudes towards women and their ideas of what it means to love and be loved.

Men raised in love typically grew up in stable, loving households, where they were shown affection and care from their parents or other family members. They were often taught the value of empathy, communication, and compromise within their relationships. These men generally have a healthy understanding of love and the importance of mutual respect and trust in any relationship, which can translate into respectful and fulfilling relationships with women.

On the other hand, men raised on survival and Jim Crow grew up in environments that were often fraught with violence, abuse, and discrimination. These men had to fight for their own survival and often relied on aggression and violence to protect themselves and their families. They were often taught to be "strong" and "tough" and were discouraged from showing vulnerability or affection. As a result, these men often struggle with understanding the importance of open communication or emotional vulnerability, which can lead to strained or even destructive relationships with women.

It is important to note that men raised on survival and Jim Crow may not necessarily have negative or unhealthy attitudes towards women. However, their lack of exposure to healthy communication styles and emotional expression can make it difficult for them to build and maintain healthy relationships.


- Collins, P. H. (2009). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Routledge.

- Hooks, B. (2001). All about love: New visions. Harper Collins.

- Johnson, L. (2020). ‘My Brothers Keeper’: Examining the Impact of Father Absence and Recruitment into Violence for Young Black Men. Michigan Journal of Race and Law, 25(1), 1-33. 

- Wilson, W. J. (1996). When work disappears: The world of the new urban poor. Knopf.


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